Usb Pendrive For iPhone's need more storage Save on Pendrive., No need to upgrade for memory space. Transfer between devices

Memory Stick which can be used to Transfer Picture/Music/Video/Document on Phone, Mac, iPad and computer.


[Share Picture/Music/Video Among Devices] 

Easily transfer photos and videos between (for) iPhone, iPad, Mac Android and Computers. The first time you use it on your iPhone,  Automatic Identification of APP(It is Free).

[Easily Backup Contact / Photo/Video/Music ]

When the usb flash connect to your phone,  you can Backup your important document to the usb flash so that they are safe. 



Compatible with the latest (for )Apple iphone 5s/6/7/8/S/Plus iPhone X XR Xs Max iPad iOS devices and Compatible iOS8 the above system. no more annoyed warning message.

  • Supported file formats:


Picture(.jpg/.png/ .gif/ .bmp/.cur/.ico/ .tif/.tiff/.xbm)

Video(.mp4/ .m4v/.mpv/.avi/.flv/.mkv/.mov/.mpg/.rm/.rmvb/.wmv)




  • For IOS Device. Need Free Download App(CooDisk) firstly.

  • For Windows Computer. Just Conect it



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